Tuesday 5 February 2013

My Own Magazine Images

 All these photographs are possible magazine martial. I really like some off the pictures because the way they're set out, it is making her look like she's the most important one and that we should focus on her.  

 A shy but innocent look towards the camera. Also a tilt shot, only one within the mise-en-scene.

In this photograph she is looking slightly mysterious  making the                    audience think that there is 'more than meets the eye'. This could also be a Front Cover because she is the only thing on it, and its sort of like she is looking at you making it eye catching 

All of these Photographs are possible  double paged spread photographs because they are good wide angles which allows be to add copy to them and BIG BLOD headings to them. I preferably like the one where she is starring into the darkness because i could like it with the heading, maybe something like 'Does (name) take the fast road to fame and never look back'. Making it relative to the magazine. The same goes for the rest of the pictures they're all good, possible do a little editing on photoshop and perfect them. However they can be little pictures on the side or in the context page. 

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