Friday 25 January 2013

First Questionnaire Page  

Second Questionnaire Page

Second Questionnaire 

Third Questionnaire Page

Third Questionnaire Page 
Last Questionnaire Page

This is the summery of my whole questionnaire. i'll be doing feedback on  the results and showing how it will help me create my magazine.

  • Most of the results are male and ages between 14 - 16, so my target audience for my magazine is male and between 14-16
  • My magazine will have quite a lot of information in it about the music industry and will be based on 3 different genres, they will be Rock, Heavy metal and a side feature on dubstep.
  • The magazine wil involve new and upcoming artists and will have information about the latest music 
  • I will BUY NME or KARANG! to help me with my research and help me to plan the magazine is.
  • Maybe include a top ten list on new songs and tracks by artists
  • Make the magazine a reasonably priced so its affordable 
  • Have big artists and popular people in it

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