Thursday 24 January 2013

Cohens Moral Panic

Cohens Moral Panic
Folk Devils - Folk devil is a person or group of people who are portrayed in folklore or the media as outsiders and deviant, and who are blamed for crimes or other sorts of social problems.

 The Folk Devils i will be looking at are only situated in the music industry, for example 'Wiz Khalifa'. Wiz Khalifa as a well known artist with in the music industry and he is known for his rap, he has brought out many songs and they've been big hit. However, he is a really aggressive Mariana smoker, he has videos on YouTube where he is smoking and a lot of the time he abuses the drug. The drug is ilegal and not for use but uses it almost everyday. He is not and inspiration to look up to for young children because parents or carers wouldn't like their child smoking or even attempting the drug. There are hundreds of pictures of him smoking it and here is and example, 

The reason why I think that he shouldn't be on the front cover is because of his fans. His fans could be motivated by him to do the same thing. This gives the wrong impression to his crowd and could cause numerous problems.  

Here is on of the examples on Cohans moral panic. This video on on YouTube an is not age restricted therefor it being a bad impression on younger fans.  

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